Angela Connor
How I’m staying the course
I had big plans of opening my podcast studio this month. And guess what? I’m still doing it. In fact, I moved the equipment into the newly minted Triangle Podcast Studio earlier this week.
Will things come together the way I planned? Probably not. But they could still come together the way I hoped via an entirely different path, and I am good with that. I’m more than good with that, actually. I’m excited about what’s to come and fueled with the fire to keep it moving.
This is a new business, so I really didn’t know with any amount of certainty whether or not it would come together as planned anyway. I know there’s a market for it, and I know I have an awesome network of friends, colleagues and professionals in the Triangle region of North Carolina who trust me and will support this endeavor.
Though hesitant at first, I posted a 39-second video of my preliminary set up with all the equipment still in boxes on Facebook and LinkedIn. And you know what? People supported it with their reactions and comments. You can watch the video and read the comments, here.
I followed my gut, because more often than not, it turns out to be the right thing. And again, it was. I believe there is power in sharing how you’re staying the course and even moving ahead when many are having trouble moving beyond where they are right now or even thinking about it. Share your stories. They could be just someone is waiting for.
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